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Join the fit.well.move community for challenges to complete with my ‘movement moments’ and regular motivation. Chat with other movers and receive informative reads/videos to add to your repertoire. 


Progressive training will teach you about your body, which muscle groups you're using, help to improve balance and stability and set you up so that strength can be applied outside of the gym and minimise any injury risk in everyday tasks as well as reaching your specific desires. 

Technique is paramount with exercise, so if clients are completely new to the gym environment, competing athletes, or just out of practice, everyone will start here and progress accordingly.  

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Main Benefits


  • You will feel and look younger with better posture, mobility and reduce  aches & pains.  Don't get old before you time!  With the right coaching, you will learn how to maintain youth through fitness, wellbeing and movement strategies. 

  • Take the guesswork out of training and stick to a proven yet bespoke plan that actually works

  • Gain the ability to move well

  • Gain positive lifestyle changes and lasting healthy habits

  • Feel stronger, happier and more confident

  • Use it or lose it

  • Keep up with the family and continue to have fun, pain free. 



“Next to sleep, regular physical activity is the best investment you can make to your long-term brain health" - Kimberly Wilson, How to build a healthy brain 


Théa knows well, that barriers such as lack of confidence, traumatising childhood experiences (ie PE lessons)  and low self-esteem are common fears that prevent starting out with a coach. 

“Will she shout at me?”  No! Théa’s approach is purely motivational, clearly demonstrative, sensitive to personal insecurities, encouraging and informative.  Your coach is here as your teacher and means of support and accountability.  Your health and well-being matter.  

“I was so scared because she’s fit and I was scared I wouldn’t be able to do things”  Would you hire a fitness coach that wasn’t fit?  We’re all our own project and an individual process (no quick fix).

“I  work on my health and fitness too, I love my job and always wanted work/life to be a continuous education on what I’m most curious and passionate about” 


Théa has been coaching movement for 20+ years having taught gymnastics from a young age.  She's also been coached as an athlete for many years so her approach to helping you as an individual is based on much experience.

“As young gymnasts we’re taught to move very well and efficiently.  We’re trained to be strong – physically and mentally, work under pressure, face great heights and fears of falling.  We fall many times and get back up again.  We’re disciplined, focused and extremely dedicated....lessons that last a lifetime”

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