Training That Works For Women
FIT WELL MOVE is a female focused, holistic approach to personal training. We work on what you need at your stage of life to build a strong, resilient body that can do life well while managing the demands of this busy world.
For or menstruating women, we work with your ebbs & flows to reduce fatigue and maximise progression towards your goals or simply help you get on with life. During perimenopause and beyond, things can go a little awol so we review whether past activity is type still effective or implement the most 'bang for your buck' training principles so you can perform well everyday while discovering what consistent means for you. Gain results and feel in control. throughout.

Together we build confidence and a resilient body
We implement simple, manageable strategies that work around your busy life to reduce stress, fatigue & enhance performance
Whether just starting out, returning to activity or in need of guidance
In-person 1-2-1 training: subject to availability - Bristol based.
Online training, with 1-2-1 online support & planning.

Just starting out? No problem! You want to transform your body and maintain a healthy weight. Get past the 'hard' stage and start enjoying. You will learn how running in the correct 'zones' can help you get to where you want to be.
Runners: You're already into your running, have a competitive edge and want to improve your personal best? You want to compete in more exciting events and stay injury-free.
In-person 1-2-1 training with Théa: subject to availability - Bristol based.
Online training: with 1-2-1 online support & planning.

Manageable, practical action steps that will leave you in control & confident. We'll do what works with your physiology and around your busy schedule.
Health & physiology research has predominantly come from male studies, with anomaly female data being ignored. This is changing (slowly but surely and I'm super excited by it!)
Muscle is important. Woman should build it and be strong, able and agile.
A woman's performance may change over the month and over the years as we go through various life stages. We will apply the latest science backed training, rest strategies and psychological aids so you can do what works for you, give you more energy and see the physical changes you want.